Etiwanda's LCAP Community Forums will be held on April 4th and 6th. We will offer virtual and in-person community forums. Parents, employees, and members of the community are all welcome, and we'd love to hear from you. You can register by clicking the link below or visiting the district website.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
AAPEAC Presents: Family Engagement Night Space is limited to 200 participants. Don't delay, register today! Register: Registration closes on April 7, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Spring Break has started! Enjoy your time off! School will resume April 3, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Spring Break
Day Creek Intermediate teacher Mr. Brubaker is being highlighted by AAPEAC for the support he lends to his students when they need assistance.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
AAPEAC Staff Appreciation
Mark your calendars for an upcoming Etiwanda Spring LCAP community forum. See flyer for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate
Spring LCAP forum
The 15th Battle of the Books was fantastic! Our Etiwanda Library Team, students, families, and all of the volunteers made Saturday's event a huge success. Congratulations to not just the winning teams but to all the students who worked so hard preparing for this event by reading all of the required books.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
The College & Career Fair was a huge success! A big thank you to all the presenters who came and spoke with our 8th grade students and to all the volunteers who helped set up this event. Here are just a few photos.
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate School
College & Career Day  Photos
College & Career Day  Photos
College & Career Day  Photos
College & Career Day  Photos
College & Career Day  Photos
College & Career Day  Photos
College & Career Day  Photos
College & Career Day  Photos
Please join us in wishing good luck to all Etiwanda students competing in this year's Battle of the Books! They have worked so hard leading up to this event, and we are certain they will have a great time competing tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Battle of the Books
Kona Ice is coming to Day Creek next week! For only $5, students can enjoy this tasty treat during their lunch recess.
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate School
Kona Ice March 17, 2023
Attn: 8th Graders! This Friday is the College & Career Fair. Don't forget to wear Professional Casual Attire for this informative event.
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate School
8th Grade College & Career Fair
From eating green eggs and ham to dressing up as a favorite literacy character, our Etiwanda students had a great time during their Read Across America activities. At Golden Elementary, we even had community volunteers from the Arrowheart Foundation read to some of our students.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Students in Classroom
Students in Classrooms
Students in Classrooms
Happy Read Across America Day! 
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Read Across America
A delicious way to show the phases of the moon.
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate
phases of the moon
phases of the moon
phases of the moon
phases of the moon
Today, we're giving a high five to the members of SEAC, a student advisory group. They have met with a district advisor a few times this school year to give feedback on programs at their school sites. Throughout the meetings, they are engaged, kind, and responsible.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
SEAC High Five
We asked a few of our students what their favorite classroom activity was. Jaylenne from DCIS loves GimKit, which is a fun game-show type of activity that encourages the students to collaborate and strategize to win. What a fun way to learn!
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
I heart GimKit
Students were tasked with creating their own constitutions. Excellent engagement!
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate
students working
students working
students working
students working
students working
In Mr. White's elective students designed paper airplanes to see who can have the longest flight time. Kevin got a very rare 9-second flight time!
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate
flight time
Intro to vocab and geometric concepts in 6th grade
almost 2 years ago, Day Creek Intermediate
math activity
Black History a month posters
almost 2 years ago, David Apodaca
verse like Gwendolyn
learn like Ruby
Rhyme like Maya
compete like Jackie
Salt Crystal lab in Mrs. Arellano's class
almost 2 years ago, David Apodaca
salt crystal
salt crystals
salt crystals