Welcome to 8th Grade!

Standing in Front of Death Valley Sign

Laurie Morrison

  • 14th year teaching 8th grade ELA and U.S. History at Day Creek.

  • Previously taught 6th and 7th at HIS.

  • Retired Caryn, Day Creek and Los Osos parent.

  • Mother of 4 adult children.


Here's the link to my 2024 Back to School Night Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sjy764JGiHZISMUaq1Rh5MGpgwncO_9TEZzay8eulkk/edit?usp=sharing

Here's the link to my 2024 Back to School Parent Letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mtmUv9fwSuk-XdCsEdOIzSTwSIS0p44_Q0oBhVH3r58/edit?usp=sharing

Here's a link to my Basic Rules and Classroom Procedures document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H0R50FXv5pOuCEJtb10X3hYSoRy0x1sTuFfFYww5MMQ/edit?usp=sharing

Starting the 2024-2025 School Year, access free online tutoring through HelpNow. https://www.library.ca.gov/services/to-libraries/online-tutoring/

Here's a link to the CJSF Slides and Flyer for the 2024-25 school year: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18QeunTfUCuxYAGHYj4TYDQNo3FZSoQUNFKtQy_A9r1M/edit?usp=sharing

Here's a link to the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2323/ESD/3734792/Student_Calendar_2024.2025_BA_REV_3.14.24.pdf

Here's a link to the District 2024 Back to School Night Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GlxidvMXBc1fEA4SrOFrviDzpr1-0CVCO2QIjE9sysU/edit#slide=id.g2ecf368007d_2_370

Here's a link to the PTSO Membership Drive: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/day-creek-ptso-membership-drive-2021-22-copy-74945/items?cart

Buy Your Yearbook and/or a Yearbook Recognition Ad: yearbookforever.com

Online Access to Textbooks: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c-f47DYjIhTcDiD3DAI16e3X52JFZ56W97KhD6yTRkE/edit?usp=sharing

Upcoming Events

Friday, Aug. 2 = Back to School Night

Monday, Aug. 5 = First Day of School

Monday, Aug. 5 = Minimum Day

Aug. 5 - Aug. 23 = IReady TESTING

Friday, Aug. 9 = Spirit Day -Class Colors!

Friday, Aug. 16 = PACK Planners Due (Signed)

Monday, Aug. 19 = Minimum Day

Wednesday, August 21st = Technology Night

Monday, Sept. 2 = No School

Friday, Sept. 6 = #We ARE DCIS Rally (Activity Schedule)

Friday, Sept. 6 = Coffee with the Principal

Monday, Sept. 9 = No School

Friday, Sept. 13 = End of Grading Period

Sept. 23 - Sept. 27 = Conference Week

Friday, Sept. 27th = Coffee with the Principal

Monday, Oct. 74 = CJSF Meeting

Monday, Oct. 7 = No School

Monday, Oct. 14 = Minimum Day

Friday, Oct. 25 = End of Trimester

Friday, Oct. 25 = Halloween Bash

Monday, Oct. 28 = Minimum Day

Thursday, Oct. 31 = Halloween

Friday, Nov. 1 = Report Cards on Aeries

Monday, Nov. 11 = No School

Monday, Nov. 16 = Minimum Day

Monday, Nov. 20 = Minimum Day

Nov. 25 - 29 = Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2 - Dec. 13 = IReady TESTING

Friday, December 6th = Coffee with the Principal

Monday, Dec. 9 = Minimum Day

Friday, Dec. 13 = Pancake Breakfast

Thurs. Dec. 19 = End of Grading Period

Thurs. Dec. 19 = Minimum Day

Dec. 20 - Jan. 3 = Winter Break

Monday, Jan. 6 = Minimum Day

Jan. 6 - Jan. 30 = Performance Task

Monday, Jan. 20 = No School

Monday, Jan. 27 = Minimum Day

Friday, Jan. 31 = No School

Monday, Feb. 10 = Minimum Day

Thursday, Feb. 13 = End of Trimester

Thursday, February 13th = Fitness Night

Friday, Feb. 14 = No School

Monday, Feb. 17 = No School

Monday, Feb. 24 = Minimum Day

Monday, Mar, 10 = Minimum Day

Mar. 10 - Mar. 21 = IReady TESTING

Friday, Mar. 21 = Minimum Day

Friday, April 4 = End of Grading Period

Monday, Apr. 14 = Minimum Day

4/14 - 5/9 = CAASPP TESTING

Monday, Apr. 28 = Minimum Day

Monday, May 12 = Minimum Day

Friday, May 16 = 8th Grade Dance

Weds. May 21 = 8th Grade Knotts

Thurs., May 22 = 8th Grade Promotion

Thurs., May 22 = Last Day of School

Homework Assignments

Monday, August 5th

1.  Review and Complete Morrison's First Day Homework and Pack Planner Signature Page with your families.  If turned in on Tuesday and Complete, you will get EXTRA CREDIT.

Tuesday, August 6th

1.  Study Morrison's Rules and Procedures as you have an OPEN NOTE Quizizz TEST tomorrow.  This will be your first English OPEN NOTE TEST grade. 
2.  Finish and Review your Textbook Scavenger Hunt answers as these will go in as your first OPEN BOOK QUIZ grade for History.

Wednesday, August 7th

1. Finish IXL FF.1 and N.1
2. Finish Lesson 1 Section 1 History Notes. There will be an OPEN NOTE QUIZ TOMORROW based on these very same notes.

3. Work on your name tag.

Thursday, August 8th

1.  Finish IXL 5th Grade FF.1 and N.1
2.  Read AR (you owe me 20 points the first 6 weeks of school)
3.  Finish Personalized Name Tag that was handed out on Tuesday

Friday, August 9th

1.  READ AR-  You are responsible for 20 AR points for the period of August 5th through September 13th. All AR points are due by 2:30pm.

Monday, August 12th:

  1. Finish IXL B.1

  2. Finish ISN p. 2-4 Questions 6-11

  3. Read AR

Tuesday, August 13th

  1. Finish Vocab Week 1 Tier 2 Worksheet

  2. Finish History Lesson 1 Section 2 Notes

  3. Read AR

Wednesday, August 14th

  1. Finish Greek and Latin #1 WS

  2. Finish IXL L.1 and GG.1

  3. READ AR

Thursday, August 15th:

  1. Finish Idiom and FCW #1

  2. Finish IXL P.1

  3. Finish ISN p. 7-9

Friday, August 16th:

  1. READ AR: 20 AR points due for the period of August 5th through September 13th.

Monday, August 19th:

  1. Finish IXL P.2

  2. Finish Blast

  3. Finish Lesson 1 Section 3 Notes

Tuesday, August 20th:

  1. Finish Vocab #2 WS

  2. Finish IXL A.2

  3. Study for Greek and Latin Quiz

Wednesday, August 21st:

  1. Finish Greek and Latin #2 WS

  2. Finish IXL FF.2

  3. Finish Choosing your Tribe and Start Your Research

Thursday, August 22nd:

  1. Finish Idiom and FCW #2

  2. Finish IXL M.1

  3. Complete All Your Research and Your Sketch

Friday, August 23rd:

  1. READ AR 20 points are due by Sept. 13th.

Monday, August 26th:

1.  Finish IXL C.1
2.  Parent Signature on Pack Planner Goal and STAR
3.  American Indian Mini Project with Paragraph due TOMORROW.

Tuesday, August 27th:

1.  Finish IXL WW.1
2.  Finish Vocab #3 WS
3.  Study for Greek and Latin #2 Quiz
4. Bring in your Lesson 1 History Notes

Wednesday, August 28th:

1.  Finish Greek and Latin #3 WS
2.  Finish IXL S.1
3.  Study for Lesson 1 TEST
4.  Bring in your Lesson 1 Notes

Thursday, August 29th:

1.  Finish IXL UU.1
2.  Finish Idiom and FCW #3
3.  Finish Lesson 2 Section 1 Notes

Friday, August 30th:

  1. Read AR

Tuesday, September 3rd:

1.  Finish corrections to Let 'em Play God
2.  Finish IXL D.1
3.  Study for Greek and Latin #3 Quiz
4,  Vocab #4 Worksheet
5.  Finish Lesson 2 Section 2 Notes

Wednesday, September 4th:

1.  Finish IXL T.4
2.  Finish Greek and Latin #4 WS
3.  Bring in Notes for Lesson 2 TEST PREP
4.  Study Notes for TEST

Thursday, September 5th:

1.  Finish IXL V. V. 2  
2.  Finish Idiom and FCW #4
3.  Finish Lesson 3 Section 1 Questions 1-5 Notes

Friday, September 6th:

1.  Read AR-  20 AR points due by Friday, September 13th at 2:30pm

Tuesday, September 10th

1.  Finish IXL L.2 
2.  Finish Vocab Week 5 WS
3.  Study for Greek and Latin Quiz
4.  Read "Chains" p. 111-129

Wednesday, September 11th

1.  Finish Greek and Latin #5 WS
2,  Read Chains p. 136-140
3.  Finish Lesson 3 Sect 2 Note

4. Finish IXL WW.2

Thursday, September 12th

1.  Finish Idiom #5
2.  Finish IXL O.2
3.  20 AR points due by 2:30 tomorrow
4.  Bring in Lesson 3 Notes for Kahoot and Test tomorrow
5.  Read Chains p. 146-153

Friday, September 13th

1.  Read AR

Monday, September 16th:

1.  Finish Monkey's Paw Question #1
2.  Finish IXL H.3
3.  Finish ISN p. 21-23

Tuesday, September 17th:

1.  Study for Greek and Latin Quiz
2.  Finish Vocab #6 WS
3.  Finish Monkey's Paw Question #2
4.  Finish IXL N.2
5.  Finish ISN p. 24-26
6.  Read Chains p. 172-176

Wednesday, September 18th:

1.  Greek and Latin #6 WS
2.  Finish IXL I.1
3.  Study For Idiom and FCW 1-5 TEST
4.  Work on Pamphlet Rough Draft
5.  Read Chains p. 182-190

Thursday, September 19th:

1.  Finish IXL N.3
2.  Finish Idiom and FCW #6
3.  Study for Greek and Latin #1-5 TEST
4.  Read Chains p. 196-206
5.  Pamphlet Rough Draft due on Friday.

Friday, September 20th

1.  Read AR

Monday, September 23rd:

1.  Study For Vocab Weeks 1-6 TEST
2.  Read Chains p. 206-214
3.  Travel Brochure Project DUE TOMORROW

Tuesday, September 24th:

1.  Vocab Week 7 WS
2.  Finish IXL W.2
3.  Finish Lesson 4 Sect 1 Note

Wednesday, September 25th:

1.  Greek and Latin #7 WS
2.  Finish IXL T.5
3.  Read Chains p. 232-241

Thursday, September 26th:

1.  Finish IXL = M.2
2.  Idiom and FCW #7
3.  Read Chains p. 250-255
4.  Finish ISN "Timeline Skills"

Friday, September 27th:

1.  Read AR-  New due date is 10/25

Monday, September 30th:

1.  Finish IXL D.2
2.  Finish Lesson 4 Section 2 Notes
3.  Read Chains p. 263- 269
4.  Bring in your library books for our library visit tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1st:

1.  Vocab 8 WS
2.   Study for Greek and Latin #7 Quiz
3.  Read Chains p. 279-288
4.  Finish IXL E.2

Wednesday, October 2nd:

1.  Greek and Latin #8 WS
2.  Finish IXL N.3
3.  Finish ISN p. 38 and p. 41
4.  Bring in Lesson 4 Notes for TEST TOMORROW

Thursday, October 3rd:

1.  Finish IXL R.2
2.  Idiom and FCW #8


1.  Read AR-  New due date is 10/25

Tuesday, October 8th:

1.  Study for Greek and Latin #8 Quiz
2.  Finish Vocab #8 WS
3.  Finish IXL N.4
4.  Finish Lesson 5 Section 1 Notes

Wednesday, October 9th:

1.  Greek and Latin #9 WS
2.  Finish IXL O.3
3.  Finish ISN p. 43 Section 1 Questions 1-3

Thursday, October 10th:

1. Finish  IXL H.3
2. Idiom and FCW #9
3.  Finish ISN p. 44 Sect 2

Friday, October 11th:

1.  Read AR:  (9/16- 10/25)

Monday, October 14th:

1.  Finish IXL P.3
2.  Finish any Tell-Tale Heart Vocab in soft book margins
3.  Read AR

Tuesday, October 15th:

1.  Vocab #10 WS
2.  Study for Greek and Latin #9 Quiz
3.  Read AR

Wednesday, October 16th:

1.  Finish IXL BB.2
2.  Greek and Latin #10 WS
3.  Read AR

Thursday, October 17th:

1.  Finish IXL M.3
2.  Idiom and FCW #10
3.  Finish StudySync Questions 1-5
4.  Finish Lesson 5 Sect 2 Notes

Friday, October, 18th:

  1. Read AR (20 points 9-16 / 10-25)

Monday, October 21st:

1.  Fix your Tell-Tale Think Questions 1-5 Edits
2.  Finish IXL O.4
3.  Read AR-  20 points due by Friday at 2:30pm

Tuesday, October 22nd:

1.  Finish IXL P.4
2.  Finish Vocab #11 WS
3.  Study for Greek and Latin #10 Quiz
4.  Bring in Lesson 5 Notes 1 and 2 for TEST tomorrow

Wednesday, October 23rd:

1.  Greek and Latin #11 WS
2.  Finish IXL FF.3
3.  Finish Close Read Question 6
4.  Read AR- 20 points due by Friday

Thursday, October 24th:

1.  Study for Greek and Latin #1-10 TEST
2.  Finish IXL VV.3
3.  Finish Lesson 6 Sect 1 Notes

Friday, October 25th:

1.  Read AR

Monday, October 28th:

1.  Finish IXL 8th Grade Z.1
2.  Work on Dear George Letter

Tuesday, October 29th:

1.  Finish IXL W.1 8th Grade
2.  Finish Vocab 12 WS
3.  Study for Greek and Latin #11 Quiz
4.  Bring in Lesson 6 Notes for TEST
5.  Finish Dear George Rough Draft

Wednesday, October 30th:

1.  Finish Annabel Lee Question #1
2.  Greek and Latin #12 WS
3.  Study for Idiom and FCW #1-10 TEST
4.  Dear George Final Draft due Tomorrow

Thursday, October 31st:

1.  Finish Idiom and FCW #12
2.  Finish Annabel Lee Vocab
3.  Work on Lesson 7 Notes

Friday, November 1st:

1.  Read AR=  new 20 point period is 10/28 -12/19

Monday, November 4th:

1. Finish Lesson 7 Notes
2.  Finish IXL 8th Grade AA.1
3.  Study for Vocab 1-12 TEST

Tuesday, November 5th:

1.  Finish IXL 8th Grade BB.1
2.  Vocab 13 WS
3.  Bells Think Question 2
4   Bring in Lesson 7 Notes to be checked and for quiz.

Wednesday, November 6th:

1.  Finish IXL 8th Grade CC.1
2.  Greek and Latin #13 WS
3.  Finish Bells Think Questions
4.  Finish Dear George Redo
5.  Bring in Lesson 7 Notes

Thursday, November 7th:

1.  Finish IXL 8th Grade DD.1
2.  Finish Idiom and FCW #13
3.  Finish Lesson 8 Notes

Friday, November 8th:

1.  READ AR:  10/28 - 12/19

Tuesday, November 12th:

1.  Finish Vocab #14 WS
2.  Study for Greek and Latin #13 Quiz
3.  Study for Vocab #1-12 TEST on Thurs.

Wednesday, November 13th:

1.  Study for Vocab 1-12 TEST
2.  Greek and Latin #14 WS
3.  Finish Lesson 8 Section 3 Notes for Questions 1-6

Thursday, November 14th:

1.  Idiom and FCW #14
2.  Finish Lesson 8 Section 2 Notes
3.  Finish IXL W.2

Friday, November 15th:

1.  Read AR (10/28 - 12/19)

Monday, November 18th:

1.  Finish IXL WW.2
2.  Finish Abuela Think Questions
3.  Finish ISN p. 70-72
4.  Bring in Lesson 8 Notes for the TEST (Study for Lesson 8 TEST)

Tuesday, November 19th:

1.  Finish Vocab 15 WS
2.  Finish IXL VV.2

Wednesday, November 20th:

1.  Greek and Latin #15 WS
2. Finish  IXL W.3
3.  Finish Lesson 9 Section 1 #1-8 Notes

Thursday, November 21st:

1.  Idiom and FCW #15
2.  Finish IXL DD.2
3.  Finish Lesson 9 Notes

Friday, November 22nd:

1.  Read AR (10/28 - 12/19)

Monday, December 2nd:

1.  Finish Nobel Prize Think Questions 1-5
2.  Finish IXL G.1 9th Grade
3.  Study for Lesson 9 TEST

Tuesday, December 3rd:

1.  Finish IXL V.3
2.  Greek and Latin #16 WS
3.  Study for Idiom and Frequently Confused Words #1-15 TEST
4.  Finish Lesson 10 #1-6 Notes

Wednesday, December 4th:

1.  Finish 2 Student Think Questions. 
2.  Study for Greek and Latin #15 Quiz
3.  Finish IXL G.2 9th Grade (Night)
4.  Study for Preamble/Bill of Rights TEST  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKldTIZGSM8
5.  Vocab #16 WS

Thursday, December 5th:

1.  Finish IXL BB.2
2.  Idiom and FCW #16
3.  Study for Greek and Latin #1-15 TEST
4.  Finish Lesson 10 Notes
5.  Study Preamble  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKldTIZGSM8

Friday, December 6th:

1.  Night Book Cover is due on Weds. 
2.  Read AR-  Due 12/19

Monday, December 9th:

1.  Finish IXL DD.3
2.  Night Book Cover due on Weds. 
3.  Preamble and BOR TEST on Friday
4.  Group Constitution Slides due on Monday

Tuesday, December 10th:

1.  Finish IXL WW.3
2.  Night Book Cover due Tomorrow Morning
3.  Finish Vocab 17 WS
4.  Work on Group Constitution Project
5. Preamble and Bill of Rights TEST is Friday.

Wednesday, December 11th:

1.  Greek and Latin #17 WS
2.  Finish IXL BB. 3
3.  Group Google Slides Project due on Monday
4.  Preamble BOR TEST is on Friday

Thursday, December 12:

1.  Finish IXL AA.2
2.  Idiom and FCW #17
3.  Study for Preamble and Bill of Rights Test TOMORROW
4.  Constitution Project due on Monday

Friday, December 13th:

1.  Read AR:  =  20 points due by 12/19
2.  Constitution Slides due on Monday

Monday, December 16th:

1.  Finish IXL BB.4
2.  Finish "Little Women" author's viewpoint question
3.  Finish Lesson 11 Sect 1 Notes

Tuesday, December 17th:

1.  Vocab 18 WS
2.  Study for Greek and Latin Quiz

Wednesday, December 18th:

1.  Greek and Latin #18 WS
2.  Sweater Illustration Competition

Monday, January 6th:

1.  Finish ISN p. 100-101
2.  Read AR

Tuesday, January 7th:

1.  Finish Vocab 19 WS
2.  Study for Vocab 1-18 TEST on Thursday
3.  Study for Greek and Latin #18 Quiz on Weds. 
4.  Finish Lesson 11 Sect 2 Notes

Thursday, January 9th:

1.  Finish Greek and Latin #19 WS
2.  Study for Vocab 1-18 TEST
3.  Finish Boys p. 11-20
4.  Bring in Lesson 11 Notes for TEST.

Friday, January 10th:

1.  Finish Idiom + FCW #19
2.  Finish Boys p. 21-29
3.  Finish Hooks WS
4.  Finish Lesson 12 Sect 1 Notes

Monday, January 13th:

1.  Finish Hook and Start 1st Paragraph for Hamilton and Jefferson Explanatory Essay
2.  Read AR

Tuesday, January 14th:

1.  Finish Vocab 20 WS
2.  Finish Hamilton + Jefferson 1st Paragraph
3.  Finish Lesson 12 Sect 2 Notes

Wednesday, January 15th:

1.  Finish Greek and Latin WS
2.  Finish Edit and Rewrite of Hamilton + Jefferson 1st Paragraph
3.  Bring in Lesson 12 Notes
4.  Study for Lesson 12 TEST

Thursday, January 16th:

1.  Finish Idiom and FCW #20
2.  Finish Hamilton +Jefferson Conclusion paragraph
3.  Finish Lesson 13 Notes

Friday, January 17th:

1.  Read AR

Tuesday, January 21st

1.  Study for Greek and Latin #20 Quiz
2.  Finish Reading Boy p. 74-85
3.  Finish Vocab #21 WS
4.  Finish Hamilton and Jefferson Explanatory Essay

Wednesday, January 22nd

1.  Finish Lesson 14 Sect 1 Notes
2.  Finish Boy p. 86-94
3.  Finish G+L WS 
4.  Finish Hamilton Jefferson Essay Edits and Turn in. 
5.  Study for Idiom and FCW 1-20 TEST

Thursday, January 23rd:

1.  Finish Idiom and FCW #21
2.  Study for Greek and Latin 1-20 TEST
3.  Finish ISN p. 135
4.  Bring in Lesson 14 Notes for TEST

Friday, January 24th:


Monday, January 27th:

1.  Finish Boy p. 104-115
3.  Finish Lesson 15 Sect 1 Notes

Tuesday, January 28th:

1.  Finish Vocab #22 WS
2.  Study for Greek and Latin Quiz
3.  Finish Boy p. 116-125

Wednesday, January 29th:

1.  Finish Greek and Latin #22 WS
2.  Finish Boy p. 126-133
3.  Finish Lesson 15 Sect 2 Notes

Thursday, January 30th:

1.  Finish Idiom and FCW #23
2.  Finish Boy p. 134-148
3.  Finish Lesson 15 Sect 2 Notes

Monday, February 3rd:

1.  Vocab WS #23
2.  Read "Born Worker" StudySync soft book p. 46-56
3.  Finish Boy p. 150-160

Tuesday, February 4th:

1.  Study for Greek and Latin #22 Quiz
2.  Bring in Lesson 15 Notes (2 sections) and Study for TEST
3.  Read AR - due on 2/13
4.  Finish Boy p. 161-167

Wednesday, February 5th:

1.  Finish Greek and Latin #23 WS
2.  Read AR - due 2/13
3.  Bring in Lesson 15 Notes and Study for TEST
4.  Finish Boy p. 168-175

Thursday, February 6th:

1.  Finish Idiom and FCW #23
2.  Finish Boy p. 176-185
3.  Finish Lesson 16 Sect 1 Notes

Friday, February 7th:

2.  READ AR-  due on THURSDAY 2/13

Monday, February 10th:

1:  Finish:  Focus Question
2.  Finish Boy p. 193-199
3.  Finish Lesson 16 Sect 2 Notes

Tuesday, February 11th:

1.  Finish Vocab #24
2.  Study for Greek + Latin # 23 Quiz
3.  Bring in Lesson 16 Notes
4.  Finish Boy p. 200-207

Wednesday, February 12th:

1. Finish  G+L #24 WS
2.  Idiom and FCW #24
3.  Read AR=  20 points are due TOMORROW

Thursday, February 13th:

1.  READ AR:  New Date  2/18 - 4/4
2.  NO SCHOOL Friday or Monday

Tuesday, February 18th:

1.  Finish Vocab #25 WS
2.  Study for Greek and Latin Quiz
3.  Read AR

Wednesday, February 19th:

1.  Finish Greek and Latin #25 WS
2.  Finish Lesson 18 Section 1 Notes #1-5
3.  Read AR

Thursday, February 20th:

1.  Finish Idiom and FCW #25
2.  Read StudySync House Divided
3.  Finish Lesson 18 Sect 1 Notes

Friday, February, 21st:

1. READ AR  =  New dates are 2/18 - 4/4

Monday, February 24th:

1.  Finish Vocab 26
2.  Study for Greek and Latin #25 Quiz
3.  Finish Lesson 18 Sect 2 Notes

Tuesday, February 25th:

1.  Finish Greek + Latin WS
2.  Finish House Divided Think Questions #2-3
3.  Bring in Lesson 18 Notes for TEST
4.  Study for Lesson 18 TEST
5.  Tomorrow is the Los Osos play.

Wednesday, February 26th:

1.  Finish Idiom and FCW #26
2.  Study for Idiom and FCW #1-26 TEST
3.  Greek and Latin 1-25 TEST on Friday
4.  Finish Chasing Lincoln's Killer p. 33-45

Thursday, February 27th:

1.  Finish House Divided Close Read Question #4
2.  Study for Greek and Latin #1-25 TEST
3.  Finish the Rough Draft of your Women's Suffrage Banner

Friday, February 28th:

1.  Read AR:  20 points due for 2/18 - 4/4

Monday, March 3rd

1.  Finish Chasing Lincoln's Killer p. 60-69
2.  Read AR - 20 points are due by 4/4
3.  Mini Banner is due Tomorrow

Tuesday, March 4th

1.  Finish Vocab 27 WS
2.  Finish Chasing Lincoln's Killer p. 70-77
3.  Finish Lesson 19 Notes

Wednesday, March 5th:

1.  Finish Greek and Latin WS
2.  Finish Lesson 20 Notes

Thursday, March 6th:

1.  Idiom and FCW #27
2.  Finish Chasing Lincoln's Killer p. 78-85
3.  Work on your Magic Folder

Friday, March 7th:

1.  READ AR:  20 points for 2/28 - 4/4


Other Resources

Back to School Parent Letter linkhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1jPzB0O7BpgyVvAQJzh_yvLDTlgZH9_bW0LaglCnHnFM/edit?usp=sharing

Day Creek PTSO Membership Drive:

CJSF Information:


Special 8th Grade Recognition Yearbook Ads:


Additional Information if Needed

Universal Access "PACK" information:

The UA period adds an extended instructional period to the school day by where students are grouped based on standardized data, district assessments, common formative assessments, and classroom performance. All students are grouped by academic target areas for UA classes. UA classes are designed to meet the unique academic needs of students by offering multiple levels of differentiated flexible classes. UA class changes may occur throughout the year as student levels of performance are realigned with the UA class that provides the best support. 

What I teach in our ELA PACK course:

  • Reinforcement Activities/Assignments of Grade Level Standards

  • Writing Techniques & Mechanics

  • Vocabulary 

  • Study & Skills for 8th Grade Greek/Latin Roots Program

  • Listening & Speaking Activities including Skills/Techniques

  • Grammar Review

  • Scholastic SCOPE

  • Critical Thinking

  • Organizational Skills

  • Group Discussions, Extensions, & Kagan Activities

  • Independent Reading (SSR) 

  • DCIS Library Visits 

  • Team Building 

8th Grade End of the Year Activities and Awards

  • T-Shirt Design Contest (September)

  • 8th Grade Promotion Speech Contest (February)

  • Student of the Year

  • Citizen of the Year

  • Most Improved 

  • CJSF

Google Classroom:

If you would like to see what we are specifically working on in my classrooms, as a parent you can access your child's Google Classrooms. We notify you at the beginning of the year of your access. You can also have your student pull up their Google Classrooms and take a peek.